Layout Design

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A few neat idea's to use in the classroom using Post-its!! I hope you enjoy!


Here are two idea's you can use for printed Post-its.  For an example, I would give my students each one of the following post-its and have them respond to the question.  This can be used in any subject area.  I personally thought of reading time whether it be individual or group reading.  This is a great way to help students understand their reading.

                                           "Word of the Day"

I love the idea of having a "word of the day".  Great idea to use for bell work. Give your students a specific word of the day. Have these post its on their desks, they will write in the word of the day which will be given to them, then they will define it writing their answers on their post it. Collect the post its.

"Dear Friend"

This is an idea I had found on the internet and I absolutely love this idea! It’s always good to teach the importance of kindness! With these “dear friend” sticky notes you can, at the end of the day, have each student pick a person whom they would like to share a nice note to. These notes can be simple such as “Thank you for reading with me”, “I like your shirt”, or “You are a good friend”. Shows students acts of kindness and how important it feels to have someone say something nice about you.

"Seating Arrangement"
Such a neat way to arrange seating in your classroom. All you need to do is make this classroom roster once and save it! Tape these student name sticky notes on their desks. Once its time for a new seating arrangement, print them off change up the seating!

"Ice Breaker"
 For smaller post its: Ice breaker activity. Find historical people (that your grade level students will know) and print their picture on a small post it. Post a post it on a student's back. The other student has to guess who is the famous person that is listed on the post it without looking. The other student is given clues to help them guess.

Okay, Last one!

"Friendly Reminder"

Just a fun way to stick a friend reminder from the teacher to the student on their desks, homework, planners, etc.

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